Neck Injury Lawyer | Alabama

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Alabama Neck Injury Lawyer

A neck injury in Alabama? Connect with our attorney and secure your rights today.

Have you experienced a severe neck injury in Alabama, leaving you with mounting medical expenses and lost wages? Handling the complexities of such a case can be overwhelming, and you might need clarification on the next step. This is where an Alabama Neck Injury Lawyer can make all the difference.

Quick Summary

This article provides comprehensive information about neck injuries in Alabama and outlines the role an Alabama Neck Injury Lawyer can play to ensure fair compensation for the victims.

Key Takeaways are:

  • Neck injuries range from minor strains to severe conditions like fractures and dislocations.
  • Alabama does not have readily accessible neck injury statistics. However, available data shows high settlement amounts, which can point to the severity and prevalence of such injuries.
  • Different neck injuries include sprains, strains, herniated discs, fractures, and spinal cord injuries.
  • Common causes of these injuries include whiplash, accidents, falls, and repetitive stress.
  • A personal injury claim for neck injuries is based on the principle of negligence and includes demonstrating duty, breach, causation, injury, and damages.
  • Alabama’s personal injury statute of limitations is two years from the date of the injury.
  • An experienced Alabama personal injury attorney can provide substantial help in handling the complexities of the case. They can help evaluate claims, negotiate a fair settlement, and interact with opposing legal teams.
  • Petro Accident and Injury Attorneys are well-versed with Alabama’s personal injury laws and offer support for personal injury cases and specific practice areas like Uber/Lyft Accidents, Head-on Truck Accidents, etc.

With the help of an experienced Alabama Neck Injury attorney, you can navigate the legal process to obtain fair compensation for your injury while focusing on your recovery. Call us now to find out how to gain the compensation you deserve.

What is a Neck Injury?

Any damage to neck structures is a neck injury. These comprise muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. Neck injuries can range from mild strains and sprains to serious fractures or dislocations that can cause paralysis or death. 

Sudden movements like car accidents or falls can strain or sprain the neck’s delicate tissues. Vascular penetration neck injuries have a high mortality rate.

Neck Injury Statistics in Alabama

Neck injuries, especially spinal cord injuries, are serious health issues in Alabama, but statistics are unavailable. However, some linked data helps illustrate these injuries’ significance in Alabama.

The 2020 Alabama Head and Spinal Cord Injury Report lists neck nerve and spinal cord injuries. The average settlement amount for neck and back injuries in Alabama is $414,467, the median is $350,000, and the high is $1 million for a trucking accident back injury. Alabama vehicle accident neck injury settlements average $72,453.

Types of Neck Injuries

Various types and severity of neck injuries affect a person’s health and require various medical treatment. To manage therapy, legal actions, and injury avoidance, one must understand neck injuries. This section discusses the most frequent neck injuries and their distinguishing features.

  • Neck Sprains and Strains: These injuries damage the neck’s muscles and ligaments, which support its seven cervical vertebrae. They’re caused by abrupt tissue and muscle contractions or extraordinary stretching. Whiplash or hyperflexion-hyperextension injuries cause pain.
  • Cervical Radiculopathy (Pinched Nerve): Nerve inflammation or compression around the cervical spine is called cervical radiculopathy. The shoulder and arm nerves provide sensations and electrical signals to the arm and hand. A pinched nerve can cause paralysis, numbness, or discomfort from the neck to the body.
  • Herniated Disc: The soft cushion between the vertebrae is forced out of place, causing this disease. This commonly follows a car accident or tumble. When this cushioning material bulges, it presses on the spinal nerves, causing severe pain, numbness, or tingling from the neck to the arms and hands.
  • Cervical Fracture (Broken Neck): One of the worst neck injuries is a break in any of the seven cervical vertebrae. Falls and car accidents can cause such injuries. Neck bones or bone fragments can damage the spinal cord, causing paralysis or death.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Injury to the neck can produce quadriplegia or paralysis below the injury. This can cause a person to lose all four limbs and need a ventilator. These injuries are the most serious and require lifetime care and support with daily duties.

Common Causes of Neck Injury

Neck injuries can result from a wide range of incidents and physical conditions. Here are some of the most common causes:

  • Accidents and Falls: A sudden vehicle accident or fall can cause neck injuries by pushing the head forward or backward. In extreme cases, quick, forceful movement can strain neck tendons and muscles, causing whiplash.
  • Poor Posture: Long-term hunching during computer or smartphone use can strain neck muscles and ligaments, leading to neck pain.
  • Osteoporosis: It weakens bones and can lead to small fractures. This condition often occurs in the hands or knees, but it can also occur in the neck.
  • Arthritis: It is a group of degenerative disorders that might cause neck pain. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause neck pain and problems.
  • Carrying Heavy Items: Regularly carrying large goods, like bags or suitcases, on one side of the body can strain neck muscles, causing discomfort.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention. Ignoring these signs can lead to long-term complications and potentially worsen the injury.

Overview of Various Accidents and Incidents in Alabama

In Alabama, a range of accidents occurs frequently across the state. These include:

  • Traffic Accidents: These involve incidents on roads and highways across major cities such as Birmingham, Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile.
  • Vehicular Accidents: This type of accident in Alabama can range from simple fender-benders to serious incidents involving cars, trucks, motorbikes, bicycles, and pedestrians.
  • Motor Vehicle Collisions: Motor vehicle collisions often occur in significant roadways across cities, causing varying degrees of damage and injuries.
  • Falls and Accidents: The source does not specify this category, although it is likely to include all injuries caused by slipping, tripping, or falling.
  • Premises Liability: The source does not provide accurate data on premises liability accidents, however these occur when someone is harmed on someone else’s property due to unsafe conditions or negligence.
  • Defective Product Accidents: Defective product incidents lead to injuries and accidents. The source doesn’t provide Alabama data, although such accidents often cause catastrophic injuries.

Possible Signs of an Injured Neck

Neck injuries can vary from mild strains and sprains to herniated discs and spinal cord injury. Identifying symptoms is the first step to treatment. Common neck injury symptoms include:


Sudden, violent neck movement causes whiplash. Pain, stiffness, and other symptoms can result from rear-end vehicle or sports accidents.

Strains and Sprains

Sprains and strains in the neck occur when rapid or violent motions stretch, tear, or injure the muscles or ligaments. Often caused by heavy lifting, poor posture, or repetitive action, these injuries can cause pain and swelling.

Neck Pain

Neck injuries are primarily noticeable by neck pain. It normally occurs in the injured site but may spread to nearby places depending on the type. Pain can affect the shoulder, upper arm, jaw, or head. The pain may be subtle, aching, or severe, piercing and worsen with movement or certain activities. 

Neck pain following a fall or car accident should be handled carefully and addressed immediately.


Neck stiffness may indicate injury. Reduced neck movement, often accompanied with “tightness” or “locking.” Neck movement can be painful with stiffness.

Muscle Strains or Spasms

Neck injuries often cause muscle strains or spasms. Overuse or tension can cause muscle strains from computer use or poor sleep. Neck muscle spasms can be painful and indicate a more serious injury.

Reduced Neck Flexibility

Flexibility loss is a less obvious but nevertheless severe neck injury indication. Turning the head sideways or up and down might be difficult for neck injury patients. Reduced neck mobility requires quick treatment to avoid deterioration.

Severe Neck Pain

Severe neck discomfort usually indicates an acute issue. Severe pain, especially after a car accident or fall, requires quick medical attention. If untreated, severe neck pain can suggest a serious ailment with long-term effects.

If you experience any of these symptoms after an accident or fall, get medical attention immediately. Quick treatment may reduce injury severity and prevent long-term effects.

Personal Injury Claims for Neck Injuries

Personal injury law states that a person injured by another’s negligence should be paid so that their financial situation is unaffected.

To set up a strong argument for negligence, these five components need to be adequately demonstrated:

  • Duty: Initially, it needs to be shown that the defendant owed a certain amount of care or responsibility towards you to avert causing harm.
  • Breach: Next, the burden lies on you to prove that the accused party did not uphold this duty of care, resulting in negligent behavior.
  • Causation: As the person making the claim (the plaintiff), it is your responsibility to demonstrate that your experienced damages are a direct consequence of the defendant’s negligent actions (the breach).
  • Injury: Moreover, it should be shown that the defendant’s misconduct directly led to the damages you’re claiming.
  • Damages: Lastly, it needs to be clear that there has been a financial loss due to the injury.

Understanding Alabama’s Statute of Limitations

Alabama Code, Section 6-2-38 sets a two-year statute of limitations for civil lawsuits claiming “damages” for “any injury to the person”.

In Alabama, you have two years from the date of your injuries to file a personal injury claim for negligence (such vehicle accidents or slips and falls) or intentional harm. This two-year countdown begins with the initial incident.

What Happens If You Miss the Lawsuit Filing Deadline?

The defendant will request dismissal of your injury lawsuit if you file it beyond the deadline. Many courts dismiss this case. Alabama’s personal injury statute of limitations is crucial if you want to go to court or settle your case. If you file after the deadline and the defendant notices, you may lose all negotiation power.

Exceptions to Alabama’s Statute of Limitations

Statute of limitations countdowns can be stopped or delayed. These factors can extend the filing deadline.

If the injured victim is under 19 or professionally “mentally incapacitated,” Alabama considers it a “legal disability” After turning 19 or becoming mentally capable, Code of Alabama Section 6-2-8 gives the person two more years to sue the accountable party. If the incident occurred over twenty years ago, the filing date cannot be extended.

Do I need An Attorney to File an Alabama Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Although the law doesn’t require a lawyer for a personal injury claim, a skilled Alabama personal injury attorney can help in many ways. Skilled personal injury lawyers can:

  • Offer a precise estimation of your case’s value,
  • Aid in negotiating a just settlement,
  • Clarify why the contributory negligence rule may not be applicable,
  • Ensure your lawsuit is filed in the appropriate court,
  • Address the other driver’s attorneys,
  • Procure expert witnesses to discuss your injuries,
  • And much more.

You can handle the case alone, but an experienced personal injury lawyer boosts your chances of a successful outcome.

Petro Accident and Injury Attorneys have the skills to handle your personal injury case. These qualities and attention to our clients make our attorneys a great choice for legal counsel.

We invite you to start getting the support you deserve. Petro Accident and Injury Attorneys is always accessible to help with personal injury cases. Contact us via phone, form, or chat box on the lower right to schedule a consultation.

When Should I Contact A Personal Injury Lawyer About My Neck Injury?

If you suffered a neck injury, contact an Alabama personal injury lawyer immediately. Immediate legal assistance is necessary to analyze your case and begin the reimbursement process if someone else’s negligence caused your damage.

Alabama’s personal injury statute of limitations is two years after the injury. Sometimes you have more time to bring a personal injury case. An skilled lawyer can help you navigate these nuances and file your claim properly.

The sooner you see an attorney, the sooner they can gather evidence, analyze damages, and develop a compelling case for you.

Call our Alabama Neck Injury Lawyer Now!

It’s difficult to deal with neck injuries and their legal implications. However, Petro Accident and Injury Attorneys’ lawyers are well-equipped to handle these pressing challenges.

Our attorneys are well-versed in Alabama’s personal injury laws and can help you navigate your case. They expertly manage claim evaluation, fair settlement discussions, and opposing legal team exchanges.

In addition to neck injury cases, our team has experience in various other specific practice areas. We offer support for cases related to:

The goal of our team at Petro Accident and Injury Attorneys is your satisfaction. You can trust our team to work diligently on your case from start to finish.

Don’t let your injury go undefended. Reach out now – we’re prepared and eager to help.

Helping Injured Alabamians